(Country Two-Step Tour Certified)
Description: A progressive partner dance that moves counterclockwise around the floor, using a quick-quick-slow-slow rhythm.
Judging Criteria
Timing: Adherence to quick-quick-slow-slow timing. Brief deviations allowed, such as quick-quick-slow-quick-quick-slow breaks.
Footwork: Must maintain the quick-quick-slow-slow rhythm.
Safety: Running into competitors will result in points reduction.
Special Note: For Jack & Jill, competitors without points in Two-Step must compete in the novice division unless approved by Steven Spellman.
Jack & Jill:
Divisions: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Random partner contest, progressively moving around the floor. One foot for each partner must remain on the ground.
Divisions: Beginner/Novice, Intermediate/Advanced
Bring your own partner. Progressively move around the floor with one foot on the ground for each partner.
Description: A rotational, stationary partner dance.
Judging Criteria
Timing: Judged on basic one-count timing (stepping to the beat).
Footwork: Syncopated steps allowed. Every 16 counts must include a basic country swing move.
Lifts & Tricks: Beginner division—one foot on the ground at all times. Intermediate/Advanced may include lifts.
Musicality: Rewarded for matching movements to music breaks or phrasing.
Safety: Running into competitors will reduce points.
Lifts: Not allowed in Jack & Jill contests.
Jack & Jill:
Divisions: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Random partner, stationary fusion dance contest. One foot must remain on the ground, and the slot must rotate every 16 counts.
Divisions: Beginner/Novice, Intermediate/Advanced
Bring your own partner for a stationary fusion contest. One foot must remain on the ground for Beginner, with slot rotation every 16 counts.
West Coast Swing All-Star and Champion dancers are not eligible to compete in the Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced divisions.
Description: A slotted, progressive dance moving counterclockwise around the floor.
Judging Criteria
Timing: Judged on one-count timing (stepping to the beat).
Footwork: Syncopated steps allowed. Stops permitted for up to 8 counts on each straight away. Barcoast patterns, like whips and slotted moves, are allowed.
Lifts & Tricks: One foot must remain on the ground. Rides, pendulums, and one-footed spins are allowed.
Musicality: Rewarded for matching movements to musical moments.
Safety: Running into competitors reduces points.
Lifts: Not allowed in Jack & Jill.
Jack & Jill:
Divisions: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Random partner competition, judged on technique, musicality, originality, and performance quality.
Divisions: Beginner/Novice, Intermediate/Advanced
Bring your own partner competition with the same judging criteria.
Description: A slotted, progressive dance that allows lifts.
Judging Criteria
Timing: Judged on basic one-count timing.
Footwork: Syncopated steps allowed. Stops permitted for up to 8 counts on each straight away.
Lifts & Tricks: Lifts encouraged.
Musicality: Rewarded for connecting movements to musical moments.
Safety: Running into competitors results in disqualification.
Divisions: All Levels
Bring your own partner contest with lifts allowed.
Description: A progressive partner dance in ¾ time, moving counterclockwise around the floor with rise-and-fall motion.
Judging Criteria
Timing: Judged on one-two-three rhythm.
Footwork & Form: Ensure proper waltz technique for optimal performance.
Divisions: Beginner/Novice, Intermediate/Advanced
Bring your own partner contest. One foot for each partner must remain on the ground.
If you are uncertain about waltz technique, we encourage you to consult a knowledgeable and trusted instructor to ensure proper form. The same is true for all competition divisions.
Division 1 and Masters UCWDC dancers or equivalent level ballroom dancers are not eligible to compete in Waltz.
Judging Criteria
Musicality: Demonstrate knowledge of the dance in relation to the music.
Performance: Full-body engagement, including facial expressions and upper-body movement.
Step Sheet Adherence: Stick to the choreography for the first two walls, then add creative variations.
House Party by Jessica Short & Kerry Kick
Nothing But You by Guillaume Roussel
Finals: Mud Stompin by Pat Esper
Honky Tonk Way by Landon Purvis & Mark Paulino
Boots on the Ground by Krista Young (Tutorial & Demo)
Finals: She Was Wrong by Tara Bianco, Kenzie Keister & Satu Ketellapper
Step sheets and demo videos available by clicking on the the line dances in blue!
Judging Criteria
Steal Execution: Clean, smooth, and creatively matched to the music.
Steal Timing: Must execute within 15 seconds after being tapped.
Dancers: Must keep one foot on the ground at all times.
All Levels:
Awarded to the best Steals leader and follower in the Circle of Fire.